

The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) (Spanish: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo) is a Spanish agency responsible for the management of the Government international development cooperation policy.
To comply with its mission, AECID has to put into practice the guidelines included in the Master Plans for Spanish cooperation. These plans are based on the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005). AECID has a broad external structure in place for its projects and activities, made up of Technical Cooperation Offices (Spanish acronym: OTC), in particular there is an OTC in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The particular call funding this project is AECID INNOVACION.

Fundación Juan Enterecanales de Azcárate
The Juan Entrecanales de Azcarate Foundation is a non-profit foundation whose social commitment is to provide financial support to non-profit organizations that develop programs that are transforming society and that allow the progress of the communities in which they operate.
A new donor has joined our project. In April 2020 we have signed a Collaboration Agreement with the Spanish Fundación General CSIC for one year.
Stiftung Freie GemeinschaftBank
The Free Community Bank Foundation was founded in 2001. The foundation should be a vessel in which donated money can be administered and received. This donation is intended to be made available to various projects in the fields of education and science, health and medicine, environment, ecology and renewable energies, social, art and culture, socially and ecologically responsible economics.
The Foundation sees itself less as an awarding foundation, but rather as an initiative and service foundation. The foundation operates mainly in Switzerland. However, it can also promote and support tasks abroad that suit its purpose.